

According to Mark Twain, “cauliflower is just cabbage with a college education”. Twain may have been onto something as they are close relatives in the brassica family. While we also love cabbage, cauliflower has been in the spotlight these past few years due to its...
Snap Peas

Snap Peas

This sweet legume is a favorite among people of all ages. As nitrogen fixing plants, sugar snap peas have many nutritional benefits, for both the soil and personal health. Not to be confused with snow peas, English garden, or shelling peas (all great in their own...


Radishes are one of the first spring crops available at your local market. Despite their vibrant pink, red, and purple hues, radishes tend to fly under the radar. Whether enjoyed raw, pickled, or roasted, this modest crop deserves a more prominent place on our plates....


In the Garden There are many varieties of spinach but flat-leaf, savoy, and semi-savoy are the most popular. Spinach is a fast-growing, cool-weather crop. Because hot temperatures and long days can cause spinach to bolt, spinach grows best in Montana during early...


Here in Montana we are moving toward winter, a time of cold and darkness when fewer locally grown foods are available. Montana-grown honey is a great product to enjoy after the abundant summer months are over. And while the sweet sunshine and flowers we usually...