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Sieben Live Stock Winter Grazing Workshop

March 14

Two things ranchers never have enough of are time and money.  The folks at Sieben Live Stock have figured out how to save a substantial amount of both with their grazing program, and they are offering two opportunities this winter to show how they do it.

Dave Ward and Cooper Hibbard, from Sieben Live Stock, located near Cascade, Montana, will host two individual winter grazing sessions on February 13th & March 14th.

These full-day on-site workshops will cover everything you need to set up a regenerative grazing system on your ranch. Sieben Live Stock has transitioned from grazing this entire set of pastures and feeding 4-6 weeks to resting up to 20% per year and feeding less than one week per year with the same number of animals.

Sieben Live Stock has been winter grazing for over 20 years, and Cooper and Dave will share what has been learned and walk you through:

  • Estimating feed available and stocking capacity
  • Forage production, budgeting, and allocation
  • Assessing range and soil condition/health
  • Cattle behavior, condition/health, genetic considerations, grazing habits, and herd instinct
  • Winter strategies for water availability and distance
  • Supplemental and replacement feeding
  • Planning and practical experience making a move
  • How will these impact and be implemented on summer pasture?

There is so much more you will take away from these workshops. It’s one thing to talk about how to implement these techniques continually, but it’s a whole other ballgame to see it working on the ground. 

Email Cooper cooper@siebenlivestock.com to register.

Checks can be mailed to:
Sieben Live Stock Co.
2469 Adel Road,
Cascade, MT 59421


Sieben Live Stock Co
2469 Adel Road
Cascade, MT 59421 United States
+ Google Map