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Montana Soil Health Symposium

February 4 - February 6

Free – $200

Keynote Speakers

February 4 – 6, 2025

Sara Keough

Sara Keough MS, CNS, LDN, is a board-certified nutritionist who began her career in conservation work in Colorado and has practiced for the last 10 years as a licensed nutritionist in Maryland. She is founder of her clinical practice, Eco-Nutrition, and utilizes advanced functional testing to support patients with a variety of health conditions including digestive issues, autoimmune diseases, heart disease, and metabolic disorders.Her background in ecological work and experience in healthcare led to her interest in soil health and it’s impact on human health and the vitally important microbiome connection between these two ecosystems.

Sara has been a featured speaker at various agricultural events across the country as she is passionate about connecting our farming communities with our healthcare communities. She believes that regenerative farmers & ranchers are healers of the planet and play a pivotal role in restoring human and ecological health.

Dr. Thomas Dykstra

Dr. Thomas Dykstra is the Laboratory Director of his own lab, Dykstra Laboratories in Gainesville, Florida. For 27 years, he has studied bioelectromagnetics (how electromagnetic fields affect life), especially as it relates to insects. He holds entomology degrees from Cornell University as well as the University of Florida and has been awarded eight patents. Dr. Dykstra consults for farmers, agricultural companies, tech firms, attorneys, international governments, and insurance agencies. He has visited three continents and presents lectures on diverse topics covering entomology, olfactory physiology, biophysics, paramagnetism, neurobiology, and biological antennae. In terms of active research, Dr. Dykstra deciphered the insect olfactory code back in 2016 and characterizes chemoreceptors for various medical and agricultural insect pests. He teaches both farmers and agricultural consultants how to raise healthy crops for their families and for profit.

Steve Kenyon

Steve Kenyon is a regenerative rancher and farmer who focuses on growing soil. He and his family manage Greener Pastures Ranching in Busby, Alberta, a 3000-acre ranch with 1200 yearlings in the summer, and reduced density on cut forage laid in swaths or bale grazing. Additionally, they rear pasture-raised pork. Steve is an advocate for building soil and prioritizing soil health as the foundation of their ranch. He regularly speaks about regenerative farming at conferences across Canada and writes for The Canadian Cattleman and The Stockman Grass Farmer. He is also the author of The Calendar of the Year-Round Grazier. 


February 4
February 6
Free – $200
Event Category:


Billings Hotel and Convention Center
1223 Mullowney Lane
Billings, MT
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