Community Grants / Jane Kile Memorial Scholarship
Jane Kile Memorial Scholarship
Jane Kile’s Legacy
Jane Kile (1954-2010) was a pioneer in Montana’s organic farming and community-supported agriculture movements. An early AERO (now Abundant Montana) member and farmer out of Dixon, MT, Jane believed that conserving wildlands, supporting sustainable forestry, farming, and ranching operations, and creating stable, self-sufficient rural communities were all important parts of the solution. A respected teacher, conservationist, and community activist, she advocated for the sanctity of all life on earth and appreciated kindred spirits who rolled up their sleeves and participated in finding solutions.
This annual scholarship was created through a generous endowment by AERO Legacy Member Russ Salisbury in honor of the good works of his long-time friend, Jane Kile.

Funding through the Jane Kile Memorial Scholarship is awarded for projects that seek to be part of the solution for a more sustainable Montana and embody the spirit, innovation, conservation, and community-focused nature of Jane Kile’s own work. We recognize this is a broad invitation and are open to your interpretations. To help you get started, here are a handful of examples that would be appropriate:
- On-farm projects to increase energy efficiency, sustainable productivity, or land health (i.e., construction of renewable charging station to help power agricultural operations or facilities; season extension using hoop houses or greenhouses, etc.)
- Investments in sustainable farming knowledge and continuing education (workshop or conference attendance, books, classes, other materials)
- Investments in agritourism offerings
- Projects aimed at building soil health (i.e., cover crops, rotational grazing plans, etc.)
- Hosting an intern at your farm or ranch
- Purchases of equipment or supplies for shared use within a community or between multiple agricultural operations
- Establishing, growing, or promoting a community local foods market
- Bringing in a speaker to present to your community
This annual scholarship is open to Montana residents or community organizations who are “active stewards of Montana lands,” which can be through an agricultural operation or a community food system endeavor.
Scholarship amount: $1,200
Criteria by which submissions will be evaluated:
- Fills a gap or meets a need
- Sustainability/long-term impact
- Creative/novel proposal
- Leverage of resources and talents
- Quality of expected outcomes.
The scholarship recipient and their project will be featured in our annual Local Food Guide magazine, on our blog, and across our communications platforms.
The 2024 application period is now closed. Sign up for our newsletter to be informed when the 2025 scholarship application opens.
Read about past Jane Kile Recipients:
2021 Jane Kile Recipient
2022 Jane Kile Recipient
2023 Jane Kile Recipient
“I met Jane at an AERO Ag Task Force Meeting, and we were friends and colleagues until her death. We dreamed of what could be done to portray to all others what the land and its life had taught us.”
– Russ Salisbury
Extend Jane Kile’s Legacy
Want to grow Abundant Montana’s endowment and the Jane Kile Scholarship Fund?
It’s easy to steward your legacy giving through Abundant Montana, including through our Montana Community Foundation account. Contact our Director of Philanthropy, Mary Callahan Baumstark, for details.

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