
Open & Local Coalition is a cross-sector network of professionals and community members working to strengthen community food systems and conserve agricultural land.

VISION: Open & Local envisions a future where an ever-increasing percent of Montana’s food is produced in-region; people of all income levels can – and chose to – access fresh, healthful food; rural and urban agricultural lands are conserved; and food grown and raised in Montana is produced sustainably.

MISSION STATEMENT: Open & Local strengthens the community food systems of southwest Montana by facilitating collaboration to cultivate a vibrant food economy, enhance food security and access to healthful community food, promote conservation of agricultural lands for future generations, and improve farmers’ access to affordable agricultural land.

2022 SPOTLIGHT: Community Harvest, a volunteer collaborative helping grow local food for community
➡ Make healthful, locally grown foods more available to food-insecure community members
➡ Offer meaningful and fun opportunities to come together and get outside
➡ Invite deeper connection with the network of farmers and others working to support the health and wellbeing of people, community, and land

find us online: OPENLOCALMT.ORG