Southgate Mall Events Concourse - 2901 Brooks St
Missoula, Montana 59801
Montana / Missoula County
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Join us at the West entryway of the Southgate Mall on Saturdays 9am-2pm from November through mid April! Over 35 local vendors. Fresh produce, gourmet mushrooms, cheese, honey, eggs, beef cuts, lamb cuts, hot sauce, baked goods (including gluten-free), fruit preserves, brick-oven sourdough bread, coffee, tea, kombucha, fermented foods, authentic Indian food, authentic Hmong food.... plant starts, succulents, seeds, photography prints, handcrafted jewelry, handmade apparel, books, wood furniture, pine-needle baskets, quilts, paintings, children's toys, dried flower arrangements, lotions & soaps, herbal salves & hydrosols, and lavender products.
Payment Options
- Double SNAP Dollars Retailer
- Prescription Produce Vouchers
- SNAP/EBT Retailer
Business Categories
- Local Food Passport (CFAC)